Livongo Health is a digital health management company
focused on chronic diseases. The company needed to simplify its message and brand for global acceptance across investors, the public, and potential new clients. Prior to its IPO in July 2019, the company had to adjust its brand direction, messaging and collateral to become one of the most successful health IPO’s in history.
Silicon Drive was brought in to help execute across the IPO and into the next phase of its fast-growth journey.
“Getting a lot of different opinions flooding into my inbox about Livongo today. But what no one (even critics) can fault the company on is its brand/marketing, which is at least half the battle if you're in an emerging area of tech with few success stories to show for it.”
Christina Farr, CNBC (@chrissyfarr)
Silicon Drive moves companies to compete at the highest level. Across models—enterprise, consumer, media, and entertainment. We find what makes a story great, and we give it the power of audience.
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